Vice President Harris on Israel

Vice President Harris on Israel

DMFI PAC endorses Kamala Harris for President

DMFI PAC proudly endorsed Kamala Harris on July 22nd writing, “Harris has helped lead the most pro-Israel administration in American history, standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel as it has faced unprecedented attacks on its homeland and people.”

Our Statement

Kamala Harris outlined her Israel policy on her website. Her position is clear: She will always stand up for Israel’s right to defend herself and for a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.

A 20-year Record of Pro-Israel Statements & Actions from Kamala Harris

Over the next few months, you’re going to hear a lot of lies and distortions about her record. This booklet will provide the facts — just the facts — about her record on Israel issues over the last 20 years. Since 2020, the Vice President has helped lead the most pro-Israel administration in American history, standing shoulder to shoulder with Israel as it has faced unprecedented attacks on its homeland and people. Vice President Harris has delivered on the promises she’s made to the pro-Israel community.


At the DNC convention, Vice President Harris reiterated her strong support for the U.S.-Israel relationship.

In 2020, DMFI asked Vice President Kamala Harris to share with us remarks that best reflect her views on Israel. Vice President Harris shared the following video demonstrating her commitment to a strong U.S.-Israel relationship.

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