Democrats on Israel

Vice President Kamala Harris on Israel

During the 2020 Democratic presidential primary, DMFI asked Vice President Kamala Harris to share with us remarks that best reflect her views on Israel. Vice President Harris shared the following video demonstrating her commitment to Israel.

“Israel is a critical friend and ally to the United States. I stand with Israel, both because of our shared values, which are so fundamental to the founding of both our nations, and I believe the bonds between the people of the United States and the people of Israel are unbreakable, and we can never let anyone drive a wedge between us.”

Joe Biden’s Commitment to Israel

From his first visit to Israel as a freshman Senator in 1973, then throughout his years in public office, Joe Biden has been proud to stand with Israel and champion the shared values that unite our countries and our peoples.  Israel is stronger and more secure today because of the unprecedented commitment the Obama-Biden administration showed to Israel’s security—including championing the life-saving Iron Dome system, ensuring Israel’s Qualitative Military Edge, and signing an historic new 10-year security agreement, the largest in the history of our two nations.

Letter from President Joe Biden

Democratic Majority for Israel welcomed a letter of thanks from President Joe Biden on May 18, 2020. The letter was read live online by Tony Blinken, senior advisor to the Biden campaign who joined Democratic Majority for Israel for a discussion on the U.S.-Israel relationship in a Biden administration.

Read the Letter

In the President’s own words:

Joe Biden’s commitment to Israel’s security is the source of his support for a two-state solution that results in a secure, democratic and Jewish State of Israel living in peace and dignity alongside a Palestinian State. He has never hesitated to speak out against policy choices and actions taken by either side that imperil the possibility of a peaceful outcome for all parties.

Joe Biden believes the fight to combat the insidious evil of anti-Semitism is the responsibility of each of us, and that when we fail to speak out, our silence is complicity. That includes fighting efforts to marginalize or isolate Israel at the United Nations and on the global stage, and opposing the movement to boycott, divest from, and sanction Israel.

[All Joe Biden quotes taken from remarks available here and here.]

Watch video of President Biden’s remarks on Israel from over the years (via C-SPAN).